Thursday, 14 February 2008

Character Animation in OpenSG

Today I've been investigating programming in OpenSG, by playing around with a really simple program that was used for my Virtual Reality project.

I also did a search around for a character to use - now I'm using Blender, Generi (which is a Maya character rig) is no longer suitable. After a little search around I came across a little chap called Ludwig, created by Jason Pierce.

I've plugged it into OpenSG and all seemed reasonably OK, but after playing around a bit and doing some research it looks like exporting from Blender into OpenSG exports a fixed model. Oh dear. So if I want to do any animation (which clearly I do) I'm going to have to program the individual parts as individual nodes, and then get them to move around that way.

Tomorrows job is to investigate creating a simple face using individual nodes.

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